Longview Care Home: new wing for residential care

Design at planning, tender and construction stages for a 23 bedroom extension to Longview Care Home in Cornwall

The two storey building is of non-traditional, low carbon construction with timber frame and timber cladding. The highly insulated and airtight building will be energy efficient with heating and hot water provided by heat pumps.

Externally the design utilises changes in level to provide threshold free connections to the existing care home, access to new sheltered courtyards and a light and airy day room. The design of the interior spaces has been driven by the varying needs of the user group, developed in close association with the client, a long standing provider of care homes. 

Longview Care Home


Please call 0117 989 2661 or email mail@olearygoss.co.uk to discuss your architectural project.


129 Cumberland Road: new apartments on a Harbourside site


Diamond Court: extra care apartments